Greetings from Maiden! It is full noise out here 700nm West of Australia— we are charging upwind in 20-35 knots of breeze, a sloppy and inconsistent 2-5m swell, and many rainy squalls! It feels like we’re finally earning our stripes out here in the Indian Ocean, after a fairly smooth and uneventful first few weeks of this trip to Fremantle.
I made the terrible mistake of appointing myself head of the flying fish extraction task force (several have sought refuge in our cockpit and helmpit stations in the past few days, posing serious safety risks to the average passer-byer and creating a horrific aroma). Seemingly in retaliation, the flying fish plotted a counterstrike. I regret to inform you that at 04:15 local time, the biggest fish I have ever seen launched himself at me, wedging himself between my neck and the collar of my foulie jacket, feverishly slapping me in the face with his tail, scales flying. After over two weeks at sea, this was not exactly the refreshing salt water shower I was hoping for. Safe to say that they have won the battle, but certainly not the war!!!

We are looking forward to arriving in Freo soon and most importantly to being out of range of a direct hit by flying fish! Until then, camouflage is on... wish us luck!