Day 1 - Santa Maria to Mindelo Verde Island, complete in glamour conditions
By Sharon Ferris-Choat
The left over swell is drifting away slowly, we are not dead downwind, we are reaching to Maiden's favorite mode. The sun is out we missed all the squalls last night in classic Maiden fashion and we are dry and happy.

On this leg I am using the sextant as my navigation tool, it's fun and good to practice. Heather and her Yachtmaster Ocean experience is coming in handy! Hadley also has hers on board, so we can compare notes, the length of calculations procedure needs to be followed, or you are lost! Thankfully we know our location and we are heading straight for the ice cream shop in Mindelo. Lungi and Jenna also had a go.

We have taken last night as a time to rest. Giving the most tired like Ami, Heather and Molly some extra time to sleep amazing what an hour of decent sleep can do! Today will be others turn.
Jenna is doing yoga on the bow, Lungi is driving and as soon as this is sent Hadley will do her sextant calculations. Our aim for Mindelo is to reduce the job list to fueling, water top up and provisioning for the 3 day's to Dakar. We have the weather conditions to complete any jobs before arrival so we can go and enjoy the food and music that Mindelo is famous for.
A huge congrats to the Black ferns for winning the Rugby World Cup, it sounded like a thrilling game. Amazing to hear about all the support for the girls from all countries while playing in NZ. Fantastic for women's sport all round of fill stadiums and lots of poi! You need to watch the match if you don't know what a poi is!

We have 1041nm to Mindelo all reaching with some possible squall action tonight as a front passes and we shift into the NE tradition winds for this area. Until tomorrow, enjoy everyone!