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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Day 2 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat

The sun came out after a hectic almost 48 hours from Maiden’s departure. From Palma to Alicante’s coast, the crew were dealing with very strong winds. They sailed through the Alborán sea, headed to Port Almerimar to wait it out.

Sharon updates us and we have a short clip from onboard...

Day 2

We have surfed safety into Port Almerimar. I was told by the Harbour master we surged in with 35 knots of wind and 2m waves - I thought they were a touch big! Funny as the waves on the first night felt bigger still.

We have had a great trip from Palma to Almerimar, 48 hours of full on sailing in all conditions, including squalls, rain, a very small moment of flat water and no wind, to slamming upwind for the last 6 hours.

Today everyone got in some valued helming time, with April and Lucy getting a feel of how she handles, the sail changes are getting quicker as we all get to know Maiden again (or for the first time) and reefing is now like clock work from our great coaches Erica, Heather and Ami. Marie has stepped up in the galley and I think she prepared every yummy meal which when you are busy is hugely appreciated.

Now we have just had our first crew dinner together, as in Palma we were so busy getting ready and in separate accommodations it just didn't happen. Really happy how we are connecting as a team.

Tomorrow we will work on a few system issues and study the weather to see the best routing to sail through Gibraltar and onto Miami. Good night from a safe and dry windy harbour listening to the wind whistle through the rigging and shake her in the gusts.