Day Four - is anyone talking to the wind gods?
- 42°13'.115N
- 58° 19'.469W
- Heading 079° T
- Boat speed 7.9kn
- TWS 16.3kn
- TWD 133°
- Sea temperature 20.9°

We are on the wind again,
Smashing and banging on the waves again.
Oh I wish we were reaching again,
As that chews away the miles again.
A little poem I thought of last night in the darker than darker night. We were very happy reaching along in the Gulf Stream with 2 knots of current helping us along, when the wind increased as expected from 18 to 25 knots and headed us 50° - expected but it arrived early!
We went from cruising mode to getting the sails down, slamming, jib change to staysail in a 30 min window. It was so dark I couldn't see Molly, Heather and Ami on the bow, just their red head torches - they were only about 30 feet away! Sarah and Henriette were in the cockpit about 10 feet away and I couldn't make them out either, just their head torches. I was constantly counting head torches while steering down these steep waves, trying my best to keep the boat flat, everyone safe and dry.
We reefed just before the head sail change so we went north as slow as possible. We are fighting to stay south for more southerly winds coming over the next 30 ish hours, as the models are all different in their timing.
So last night was wet and wild! I was really proud how much the girls have learned already as they handled this situation like pro's. With the sun out today we have had a chance to dry out. We are not in the favourable current anymore so it's much flatter, only the big swell from the storm far away to the North East... with the occasion wave to keep us all honest.
So, if anyone is talking to the wind gods please ask them to bring back the reaching conditions for Maiden, she loves that mode the best and so do her crew!