Maiden is in her natural habitat!

Well, firstly apologies for the delay in updating the blog but I know that Kaia keeps everyone updated on Social Media.On Monday 6th August 2018 Maiden finally re-entered the water. Before she went in Kaia managed to recreate some shots of Maiden from 29 years ago and we think they are amazing.Then






When she finally went in the water it was the culmination of five years blood, sweat and tears and a very emotional team looked on. Claire and Jo from the original crew were there along with our new crew Amelia Ralphs, Belinda Henry, Matilda Ajanko and The Maiden Factor Team of course.

On Tuesday 7th August I was so honoured to be awarded the Lendy Ladies Day Trophy and even more delighted that the new Maiden crew accepted on my behalf

Also on 7th August we announced that although our amazing and wonderful crew are permanent, we have decided to invite legendary women to be Guest Skippers on the World Tour and first up were the awesome and Dee Caffari and Wendy Tuck.It has certainly been an exciting few weeks and we look forward to Maiden sailing next week.In the meantime can I ask if you are Crowdfunder who bought tickets for London, signing the boom or signing the Log Book and you haven't heard from me could you please get in touch through the website? We can then make sure you receive your thank you gift.Thank you and once again a huge thanks to our supporters who have helped get us this far. We are very much looking forward to the next chapter of Maiden's life.