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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Maiden Spreads the Word

Before the Maiden crew arrived in Fremantle, the Maiden shore team were invited to visit the wonderful 100 year old school, St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls, to share Maiden's new mission and legendary history. We were warmly welcomed by one of their inspiring teachers, Teresa Richards, and 7 of her pupils aged 10 and 11; Sophie, Indigo G, Indigo B, Hannah, Abigail, Somya and Kitty. The girls had written and illustrated wonderful messages of hope, to be sent to girls all over the world who do not have the opportunity of an education.

When the Junior school settled, we told the amazing and inspiring story of Maiden, and how Tracy and her crew doggedly battled against bigotry and chauvinism to get to the start line of the 1989/90 Whitbread Round the World Race. There were plenty of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ of amazement when we played some clips that show just how tough and dangerous the 33,000 mile race are! We talked about the empowering effect Maiden has had on girls and women the world over and went on to explain how Maiden has a new mission to further the message of equality and work towards removing barriers faced by 130 million girls around the world unable to access an education.

The genuine concern from the pupils was fantastic; their passion, enthusiasm and ideas were inspiring and completely reflected the spirit of Maiden. A huge thank you to Teresa and her wonderful girls for letting us into their school and helping us spread the word about making a difference in the world and standing up for girls’ education.

- Greg Bint, Schools and Education Coordinator