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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Day 8 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat

29° 46.063N
17° 47.697W
TWS 14.3 knots
TWD 030°
Course over Ground 180°
Boat Speed 7.8 knots

It's a glamour day... the wind and the sea state have dropped, the sun is shining and we are heading south as quickly as possible to keep out of the no wind area to the north west of us. Thankfully, last night was warmer than the night before, when everyone had all their warmest kit on and still it was cold in the north wind.

We are looking at options of getting past the Canarias and it looks as though we will pass to windward of La Palma (that's still smoking for the eruption months ago) and La Gomera, as we are not racing we can motor in the wind shadow to charge the batteries while making good progress.

What's everyone up to on board? We have some grey water tank issues which Heather and Ami are fixing. Amalia has made some lovely dishes, lunch is being done on deck by Erica, and Lucy in the new bucket with salt water. April is helming. Marie, Amalia and I gybed on our watch to get south, which was the first one since Gibraltar on Saturday!

Funnily, everyone is waking up from their off watch feeling like they have been hit by a bus - because finally they got some decent sleep in their warm bed, rather than being thrown around around bunk!