News from Tilly Ajanko

From Baiona to Malta

Sara Hastreiter and Tilly in BaionaAfter a week in port, we’re all happy to be out on the water again. Choppy head winds turned into nice gentle downwind breeze and we got to Cascais about 24 hours after departing Baiona. Lack of wind meant motoring which meant lots of time for Amelia to get her newly purchased fishing gear out. Unfortunately Portuguese fish weren’t co-operative and Amelia didn’t get a single bite.

That's not how you catch fish Amelia!Luckily for Juliia her watch was filled with dolphins and she even claims to have seen a whale but that’s yet to be proven.One of the fun things we’ve discovered is how everyone is sharing the books they’re reading. Rachel’s trashy novel has kept hers and Amelia’s night watches well entertained while I’ve been sharing fun facts about importance of sleep inspired by the book I’m reading right now.Unfortunately fuel stop in Cascais meant also that we had to say good bye to two of our crew members. Sam from Marine Results, has been with us for few days helping Amelia out with our engine had to fly out for his next job and Sara who’s been with us since Plymouth, had other commitments back home in US, so sadly we had to wave good bye to her as well.

Sun is finally out and we’re all enjoying the sunshine on the deck in our t-shirts. This is what we’ve been waiting for! Heading down further south towards Gibraltar. We’re excited about entering the Mediterranean Sea.
Maiden’s restoration has been made possible by
HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein of Jordan in memory of Her father,
HM King Hussein I, via Her ‘Anything is Possible’ initiative.