Royal Akarna Yacht Club, Wakatere Boating Club, Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron... it's been busy!
The Maiden Factor had a great time at the Royal Akarana Yacht Club today. After a talk from Tracy Edwards MBE and current Maiden crew, attendees also had the chance to take part and ask questions in a Q&A.

A big thank-you to Tony Rae, who did a great job as MC for the night. Tony is a New Zealand sailor who has competed in the Volvo Ocean Race six times and the America's Cup seven times. He also sailed on Steinlager 2 who won the 89/90 Whitbread - the same race as Maiden!

Thanks to the club for the event, and to all the members that attended for your support.

It has been an exciting couple of weeks with the Maiden crew and shore team, with lots to do on Maiden, and many more inspiring talks.

Tracy had a great time speaking at the Wakatere Boating Club last Sunday. It was followed by a fantastic visit from some young Wakatere Boating Club members, who "had a unique opportunity to get onboard Maiden, meet some of the crew and generally crawl about and imagine what life is like at sea." See the photos here!
Wendy Tuck enjoyed the visit a lot: “We had the pleasure of showing some young sailors (perhaps superstars of tomorrow!) around Maiden yesterday. All the crew were impressed by the well thought out questions- especially about plastic we see in the oceans.”
Maiden co-skipper Sharon Ferris-Choat also was busy last week: "I did a talk with Radius Bay Care Bay of Islands on the twenty-eight of May and it was a pleasure to share the Maiden Factor World Tour with them. They were so supportive. Amazing!"

Crew member Belinda Henry joined Sharon at the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron on the twenty-third of May, to speak about The Maiden Factor, Maiden's legendary history and the exciting future to come.