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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Sal's Ocean Globe Race Analysis: It's not going to be an easy week

It isn’t going to be an easy week for most of the boats in the Ocean Globe Race.

The huge spread of the fleet means that boats are sailing in completely different weather systems. The headwinds over last weekend made it hard work, Maiden is hanging on to 2nd place, after holding off the big upwind machine, Spirit of Helsinki. Neptune are having a very fast leg and are up with Maiden and Helsinki. The smaller Swan 53 Triana is consistently well sailed and is not being left behind.

Pen Duick VI got away a while ago and established a commanding lead. It looks as though they will get into Punta on the South Westerly breeze that is giving the main part of the fleet some fast sailing in 30knots of following wind.

The low pressure system causing the blast up the coast is heading quickly out east and will unfortunately be followed by a High coming in from the West and parking over where the fleet want to go, giving them frustratingly light headwinds. All the more annoying for them that Pen Duick VI got in before the High arrived so the clock is ticking on handicap against the others in Flyer Class.

Meanwhile, at Cape Horn, the tail enders, Sterna and Explorer are getting big breeze and rough seas. They have had to cope with more gales than anyone else in the fleet on this leg, being caught by weather systems that the rest of the fleet managed to miss.

They all have no choice but to crack on and get the job done, despite the frustrations and disappointments. The showers will still be hot and the beers cold when they finally get to Punta! - Sal

Sally (Sal) Hunter was part of the original Maiden crew to sail around the world in the 89/90 Whitbread Race. Sal has joined the Maiden Shore Team for the duration of the Ocean Globe Race, tracking Maiden and keeping us updated with sailing analysis updates! Screenshot YB Tracking