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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Sal's Ocean Globe Race: The Azores High Lottery

The Azores High Lottery continues to be the main feature for the leaders of the Ocean Globe Race. It has been very unpredictable over the last few days, even with the benefit of computer models, as the High collapsed and reformed in elongated shapes, effectively blocking the path of yachts trying to navigate North.

It looks as if Pen Duick VI might has got lucky as they found themselves on the West of a High that has formed up and has given them a good push of speed to escape. If, over the next day, they manage to clear the other small troughs that are still around, it could prove decisive.

With less than 2000 miles for the leader to go to the finish now, there are a series of depressions giving strong following winds that will bring them in at considerable speed. It remains to be seen how many of the leading boats can manage to get the same luck and hitch a ride over the top of the briefly well-formed High before it once again changes, and loses its identity. Maiden is still very much in touch and hopefully can get out into the clearer breeze remaining in a strong position.

The rest of the fleet, from Outlaw back, will have to contend with a different situation by the time they get to the High. If they get a clean run, without stopping, it could give the slower boats a boost on their IRC handicaps. As they one by one escape into the Lows, it will be reassuringly familiar to have some cooler windy weather. It fact it could be decidedly chilly for the last week which I am sure that they will be only too happy to cope with as long as they had the foresight to pack enough warm clothing!

Sally (Sal) Hunter was part of the original Maiden crew to sail around the world in the 89/90 Whitbread Race. Sal has joined the Maiden Shore Team for the duration of the Ocean Globe Race, tracking Maiden and keeping us updated with sailing analysis updates!