There is always something to learn when you are at sea.
By Heather

In October we had some new young women join the Maiden crew - we set off from the US with only a handful of us having sailed the boat before. This was challenging to start with but it has been amazing to see them flourish and grow and find their place onboard and they are now all extremely valuable members of our team. It's a wonderful thing to come up on deck and see them teaching the new girls what we taught them only a couple of months before.
Hadley is a vast ocean of knowledge! She has alot of experience in a variety of boats and always has great ideas to improve the way we do things onboard. She is a wonderful storyteller and is great at giving advice.
Molly's enthusiasm for each and every little task is incredible- nothing is too gross or hard. She fills the boat with laughter and fun.

Lungi has a calming presence onboard. Always cheerful throughout seasickness or bad weather. She has been invaluable at helping us with paperwork (something that none of us are particularly good at)

Sarah is an extremely natural helm with a very sweet and caring nature. Having never been offshore before stepping foot on Maiden, she has taken to it quickly and has grown in confidence.
Combined with us old timers (me and ami and MC) and our newcomers (Nqobile and Vuyi) we form a great and happy team!

One of the things I love most about Maiden is the sharing of knowledge. Everyone that steps on board has something to teach and also something to learn. Whether that knowledge is to do with sailing, stars, marine animals or just random facts everything is valued and exchanged.
There is always something to learn when you are at sea.