Crew Members

Ash Perrin
Ash became the youngest ever elected member (man or woman) of the RORC at age 15 (1993) doing her first offshore race at age 13. She was the first woman boating officer for British Antarctic Survey in Antarctica in 2009, the first woman to qualify in the STCW Polar Code qualification for Ice Navigation. Ashley is also an assistant instructor for World Sailing Safety at Sea two day courses (6 courses per year run at the San Francisco Yacht Club and also private courses for full crews and cruising families). She worked for the British Antarctic Survey as boating officer and science support diver in 2009-2010 at Rothera Research Station, and then at Grytviken South Georgia as senior boating officer in 2010-2012. Ashley is the owner of Antarctic Ice Pilot (ice Pilot and expedition leader on private super yachts sailing to the Antarctic peninsula). She is also the owner of Racing Yacht Management, managing race programs and captaining cruising boats largest yacht under management 82 foot.