Crew Members

Natasha Fickling
I grew up cruising on sail boats with my family around the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland, then jumped into all possible opportunities to race from my early 20’s, from Elliot 5.9’s to 40 fters, including many coastal races, night races, national championships, as well as club racing and delivering yachts around the coast of New Zealand. A highlight was competing in a local coastal 115nm race with an all girls crew on our 42ft Beale. I’ve worked behind the scenes of sailing as well, running the sailing programme at Royal Akarana Yacht Club for a few years, this included the offshore race from Auckland to Noumea. I have also worked on a superyachts in the USA, and crewed on a 75ft ex-America’s Cup yacht in Queenstown, NZ. Our future plan is to sail our current yacht around the world with our kids.