Crew Members

Nicola Trinder
Nicola is a 36-year-old Physiotherapist, originally from Newcastle upon Tyne (UK). Nicola has been living in London for the past 10 years but has recently moved to Perth, Western Australia.She started sailing 2 years ago as part of the 2017/18 edition of the Clipper Round the World Race after having a desire to learn to sail for most of her adult life. She says “I am acutely aware of my privileged upbringing in a safe environment, with an excellent education that has, no doubt, enabled me to have opportunities such as sailing on Maiden, so I hope to be able to help in providing others with opportunities to achieve whatever their dreams desire! I am honoured to be part of the Maiden Factor Team raising money and awareness to help less fortunate women and girls be able to reach their full potential in life.”