Crew Members

Nikki Henderson
In 2017, at age 23, Nicola ‘Nikki’ Henderson, from Guildford was the Clipper Race’s youngest ever skipper. Over 9 gruelling months and 40,000 she proved that this was no barrier to success when she and her crew placed second in the race. Sailing with family and friends since the age of 13 the idea of being able to work at sea was planted after a short stint in the Sea Cadets. Nicola has since carved a successful sailing career, in both racing and instructing which would rival those twice her age. Before the Clipper, Nikki had already sailed 38,000 miles during which she has skippered three ARC races across the Atlantic (twice winning the Youngest Skipper Award), the Caribbean 600 – an inshore race circuit, two Cowes Weeks, co-skippered two Fastnet campaigns and sailed over 10,000 miles in offshore deliveries. As an RYA instructor for over three years she has already taught over 200 students and also launched a Sailing and Watersports centre in Denver, Colorado.