Crew Members

Rachel Jones Ross
My name is Rachel Jones Ross. I am a light-chasing, coffee loving intellectual junkie, who is most inspired by a sky full of stars. This year, I set out on a personal challenge to spend 100 nights under the stars. To date, my project has taken me from my home in the Canadian Rockies, to the Northern reaches of Iceland, and the Southernmost glacial fjords in Chile. I am an explorer at heart, whether that’s exploring through books, research, or travel. When I’m not chasing clear nights for astro photography, I teach photography workshops. When I first heard about this project I watched the trailer for Maiden to see what the story was all about. Tracy made a comment during her interview that really resonated with me; she said “the harder it got, the more [she] wanted it.” With that statement Tracy expressed 1000 moments I’ve experienced. Like many women I’ve been told that I’m not fast enough, strong enough, or capable enough to achieve the things I’ve wanted to. I’ve enjoyed proving those people wrong over and over again! I love Maiden’s message. I am proud and excited to be part of this project. I hope that my work helps to spread the word about the film (I’ve watched it, or listened to it while I work about 12 times and still cry every time!). And I hope that by sharing Maiden’s message, more girls and women will feel that inner confidence to pursue their goals, even when the world would have them believe they are not enough. Rachel Jones Ross Sony Alpha Ambassador