Bday gifting to Maiden Factor Foundation
Welcome to my birthday fundraising page
It goes without saying that this year has been challenging and difficult. Many issues are weighing on our hearts and minds—climate change, racial and economic disparity, and gender inequality to name a few. Working though all of these profound issues while coping with the impact of a global pandemic has been a bit of struggle.I admit, there has not been much joy this year, but with my birthday approaching, I have reflected on the things that matter most to me for which I am thankful. My connection to my family and friends lend me the support and strength that keeps me moving forward. We will get through this together.
Why a fundraising page and why this particular cause? I sincerely believe that hope is found when we grant small kindnesses to each other when we can and where we are able. Small kindnesses can ripple into a wave whose impact can be wide reaching and more significant than we could have imagined. By giving to a cause we commit ourselves to that greater purpose.
The Maiden Factor Foundation’s purpose matters to me. I reflect on the opportunities available to me, and the choices I felt empowered to make which have led me to become a woman who thrives. This support is what I am thankful for in 2020 and I’d like to bestow this gift to other girls and women. Through their partnerships with groups and charities, their community engagement and awareness programs, the Maiden Factor Foundation is supporting and enabling education for girls worldwide—empowering girls to pursue their dreams.
In my own journey as a woman and as a sailor, I am not only inspired by Tracy Edwards and her story of Maiden, but I am also thankful for the hope that the Maiden Factor Foundation gives for the future. Please join me in keeping this journey alive by donating to this worth cause.
Meiling Robinson
Long Beach , CA