Molly Lapointe
My name is Molly Lapointe. I joined Maiden in Newport, RI in 2021, and I sailed with Maiden for almost two years total. About half of that time was on Maiden's world tour, where we sailed to different destinations to raise money and awareness for women's education. The other half was prepping for and racing in the Ocean Globe Race 2023-2024. With Maiden, I have visited 9 different countries, crossed the equator 4 times, and sailed halfway around the world (I was supposed to sail the entire way around, but it's a long story....). I am eternally grateful to my Maiden experience for giving all of us the opportunity to show the world our potential. Maiden gave us the opportunity to learn and grow and leave our legacy as the first all female team to WIN an ocean race. I hope that that continues to inspire people of all genders that they can achieve their dreams, however "out there" they may seem. Maiden taught me that we truly can do anything we set our minds to! My favorite aspect of being a part of Maiden is that I met so many lovely and like-minded people who have become my world-wide network of friends, family, and feminists. Maiden has a special way of bringing people together, and she continues to do so, even after we're finished sailing on her. After the Ocean Globe Race, I have been working for Marine Results, a rigging company based in Hamble, UK. At the time of writing this I am working on Maiden once again, on the "other side" of things, testing Maiden's rig while it's out of the water. Maiden has helped to catapult my career as an ocean racer and a rigger. I hope to continue doing what I love most, and somehow pay it forward in the future :)