Day 27 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat
25° 35.351N
76° 26.246W
COG 299°
Boat Speed 7.2 knots
207.4nm to Miami through the Providence Channel, Bahamas!
The iron sail is up, and, for the first time in weeks, we are making way directly to our waypoint. Ami did our fuel calculation and we have 85 hours of motoring. We only have 28 hours to the safe water mark at the entry of the Miami main channel.

April just called land! We have just seen the very small hill at Hamilton Land Beach. It looks beautiful - I will have to come back here with my family one day!
Everyone is back on the 2 people on watch system to try and get some rest. We have some tired and sore bodies on board. Everyone has pushed themselves mentally to learn as much as possible, and physically with all the sail changes which are now all natural - even dropping big sails in strong wind!

I have just cooked everyone awake an omelette. The trick is not to bring those skills out too early, or you end up cooking! I'm definitely a happy cleaner rather than the cooker.
Amalia is being a tidy bee and putting away last night's equipment. Erica is being Erica, always busy fixing, checking, making lists, organising stop over work (and sometimes sleeps!).
We hope to sail out of the Providence Channel in 142nm and across the gulf tomorrow.