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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

"The true definition of complete peace and sanity." - A sailing blog by Maiden apprentice Alesea Charles

Early into our sail, mother nature decided to bless us with 37 knots of winds and a rough sea; someone once told me if you’ve never been seasick you will be, it just takes the right conditions and I found this to be so true. 

Curled up on the ground with a bucket and just for a second; and only a second this feeling had me rethinking my whole career choice. Feeling weak, unable to move and suddenly everything I tried to do felt 10 times harder.

...but then there’s moments when the sea is calm, the wind is just right and even though everyone else is around you it’s just you, the boat and the open sea. The true definition of complete peace and sanity. 

Just when you think it couldn’t get any better you see the most amazing things like the dolphins who join you on your journey showing off their little tricks, or the stars that light up the pitch black nights sky so beautifully and one of my absolute favourite so far is when we have those dark nights and the bioluminescent of the sea leaves a beautiful neon green glow as the boat passes through the water coming up from the sides leaving a vibrant trail that glows. I’m sure there’s many more that I have yet to see... so on that note I leave you with this. Until next time!

Alesea Charles learned to sail with the National Sailing Academy in Antigua and was put forward, by her instructor, for a place on the crew as a young up and coming female sailor who would benefit from the experience of sailing on Maiden.  Although only 20 years old Alesea has managed to notch up an impressive number of miles and courses. 

When not sailing, Alesea loves to cook, has an Associate Degree in Culinary Arts and has spent time as a pastry chef (which the rest of the crew are very happy about!)  With her enthusiasm for learning and passion for sailing, we believe that Alesea’s time on Maiden will be both beneficial to her and a joy for the rest of the crew as we think she makes her a perfect Maiden.