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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Day 19 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat

23° 13.329N
49° 43.792W
COG 304°
Boat Speed 9.7 knots

The Sea getting flatter, and we only have about 12 knots of wind.

Happy Easter everyone! The Easter Bunny found Maiden, and we are eating our chocolate eggs before they melt.

Our watch has seen the first proof of life outside of us by a Class A construction ship that changed their course to passed one mile behind us. They definitely played the chicken and the egg game. We called them to make sure we had the same plain and they did. Nice to chat to another vessel!

The weather hasn't finished playing games with us either and we are reading rain clouds. We need to push as there's no wind behind us or in a few days where we are right now. We were incredibly lucky to leave when we did as the weather behind us has been either very stormy or very flat!

Heather got the sextant out this morning; we had a full moon going down at the same time as sun was the same level coming up. Very special.

At 1200 UTC we have 1468nm to the Providence Channel at The Bahamas, with a bearing of 296° we are still VMG running after 13 days and only 8° off course. We have a few more weather systems to manage before the entrance of the channel.

Ami has changed the filters in the generator and April teased us that the ship was too close when she came up to find him not far off our Stern, about a mile. 

Have a great Easter weekend!