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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

A look back at the last leg: a blog from mile builder Lottie from her time on Maiden

Lottie wrote this blog whilst she was onboard Maiden, six days into the leg

How things change ! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. A little over 2 weekes ago I found out that I would be sailing from Honolulu to Vancouver onboard Maiden. Since then it has been a crazy whirlwind of activity and we have been sailing for six days. It has been amazing to be out on the water and only be able to see the ever extending pacific. In the last week everyone has gone from being complete strangers to being a close knit bunch of sailors with most conversations revolving around shore meals and having a decent shower.

Wendy Tuck sits on the boat, on the far left of the image, with paper in her hands. She is addressing the crew, which sit behind her on the boat, watching her. The boom is above with  logos on.
The crew are briefed before leaving Honolulu ©THE MAIDEN FACTOR/AMALIA INFANTE

Since leaving Hawaii we have already sailed 900 miles and seen a whale and lots of flying fish. Much to the amazement of the other girls, I have even seen my first shooting star! During this past week everyone has really pulled together to help each other out when they have duties below deck, especially whilst feeling seasick. I will never take cooking fajitas at university in a level kitchen for granted ever again! During the last week we have had all sorts of wind; from no wind and motoring to the wind gusting at 28 knots with three reefs in the main and the J3 up.

The crew sit on Maiden, photo taken from the back of the boat, the boat at a slight angle. The ocean is deep blue in front and the sky light blue with a few clouds.

Also attire changes with everyone going from shorts and a tshirt on deck to full wet weather kit due to the mass of waves coming over the bow. It has already been truly exhilerating and we aren't even halfway yet. Unfortunately the further we are sailing the more rubbish we are also seeing in the ocean, to be so far from land and still see so much rubbish, really shows you the impact that peoples' lifestyles are having on the wider world and tells us that there is still so much to be done.

Lottie hard at work onboard ©THE MAIDEN FACTOR/AMALIA INFANTE

On a better note, people are starting to feel less sick now that the wind is at a more steady 18knots and we are making good progress. For the first time, even just briefly, our time to Cape Flattery was showing as less than 200 hours today.

A photo of a boat compass.

Everyone on board is so thankful for the oppourtunity and are keen to spread the messages of the foundation wherever they live in the world and will definitely stay friends for life. To think that a week ago we didn't even know eachother how things change.

- Lottie

Belle and Lottie smile at each other, sitting on deck. They are in foul weather gear, and the sun is very bright behind them