Day 16 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris Choat
20° 29. 177N
38° 31.280W
COG 316°
Boat Speed 9.8 knots
What a 24 hours! I woke up after my afternoon nap to no instruments to help with navigation, helming, trimming and a beautiful surfing Maiden going full blast! Heather set up the hand held GPS with my watch and we could plot our position every hour. We reduced sails with Erica, Marie, Lucy and April taking turns to keep watch.

During this, my beautiful daughter Sofia was waking up to her birthday and I took a moment to message her some birthday wishes and to let her know how much I love and miss her, also how proud I am of her. I really had to pull you myself together as I started to tear up. Being a working parent away from your children is never easy. Not on anyone. The guilty gut reaching feeling when they are sick or have Covid and your not there to help them through it, or just do those everyday jobs that I have loaded into my husband and Mum.
I absolutely love sailing, but it has to be very special projects like Maiden to get me to leave my family these days: like sailing with this incredible team of Erica, Heather, Ami, Amalia, Marie, April and Lucy all giving it everything they have, pushing themselves to the limit. With the team backing us up on shore too! Tracy did a Tracy last night when we needed her, she got answers to help us sort out our problems like always, Thank you Tracy!