Day 2 - Mindelo to Dakar
By Sharon Ferris-Choat
- UTC 15:17
- 15° 40.982'N
- 20° 08.688'W
- TWS 16 - 23 kn
- TWD 028 - 065°
- COG 114°
- SOG 8.2kn
- Sea State 1-2m
- Sea temperature 28.8° how high can it go?
- We have now officially doubled the water temperature of Camden at 14.2°!
Everyone had a better night. Sea state and wind have dropped to a more comfortable movement for all and Maiden herself isn't being pulled in every direction anymore.
When it's rough you are in a different mode for everything; safety, crew and boat. Take no chances and prepare for everything you can think of and then more!

When we were changing from the storm jib to the Staysail on the first night, we had a massive wave over the bow that was like a warm water fire hose being sprayed up my wet weather gear paints to make my underpants damp. To match that was the fire hose over the head, around the neck, down the back to completely soak me and produce a soggy bottom. While this was finishing with me, my life jacket decided that with this water level I must have gone for a swim. Tt inflated with my PLB (personal location beacon) and light going off, then the boat MOB alarms started - so if you were asleep you weren't anymore! We know it all works perfectly!
We have 174nm to Dakar Marina, everyone is counting down the miles for this one. On deck it's a call to be warm and wet or dry and over heating from waves spray. We are starting a collection of seaweed on the bow... might be enough for a Christmas tree!
We are looking forward to see Louise and Greg from our Shore team in Dakar tomorrow that's for sure!