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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Day 22 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat

24° 43.034N
COG 267°
Boat Speed 8.2 knots
Bearing to waypoint at Bahamas 293°
Distance to Bahamas waypoint 906nm

ETA 27th April

We have had a dark and stormy night, and for the first time in days the clouds also have much more wind. These clouds just form from a very small cloud very quickly, and we got caught with the A5 up in one of these that resulted in a drop that didn't go to plan. We needed all crew on deck to get it down.

The girls pulling the sock down were stronger than the sock and that broke, to leave us dropping it under the boom like the A2. Once the A5 was downstairs safe we got the staysail up, and put in a reef that stayed in all night as more clouds and wind rolled by. The best part is the cells put us closer to our waypoint heading and at good speed. Marie, Amalia and I fixed the sock and repacked her to go up again this morning. She's working well with a blue downline now instead of white... not sure how that happened but it works so we will keep it!

We are resting crew at the moment, giving the most tired a 12 hour sleep. Ami has just woken up from her extended sleep and its Heather's turn now. Heather, as well as Ami, have worked incredibly hard, always doing the most physical jobs and steering alot when it's the most challenging. They are our go to girls for a lot of things, and are always offering to teach and do more time on deck if needed.