Day 28 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat
26° 06. 522N
COG 248
45nm away from the safe water mark outside Miami's main channel. Starting to cross the gulf stream for the next 23nm. Current going north, so we are steering 10° south of course to allow for flow.
We might get rainfall this morning - that will help with showers! Last night's moon was a slice of yellow prince melon, beautiful with the stars, lights from the nearby towns and the cruise ships around us.

I have very mixed emotions about getting closer to shore, and to the end of this adventure. Super excited to see my family next week, but sad that the experience is about to change - back to the real world. Out here, we only have ourselves. I have not received any news apart from weather, the occasion activity update from my family and important information from the shore team.
Boat prep for arrival is happening. The crew are slowing sorting out their personal gear and equipment in their respective areas of responsibility, however, the most important thing was to celebrate April's birthday as a crew! There was a beautiful cake baked by Marie and decorated by Amalia. Her birthday is going to last 48 hours!