Day 26 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat
26° 28.328N
73° 13.778W
COG 295°
Bearing to waypoint 262°
Boat Speed 9 to 10.5 knots
And yes VMG downwind still.
172nm to The Bahamas
422nm to Miami
Just over 3 Coastal Classes!
Exciting times coming up! We are looking forward to a layline, one early gybe on a wind shift expected in 24 hours ish to bend our course down and cut another corner into the Providence Channel! It's going to be a 63nm. Mission on.

I'm personally happy with our navigational decisions. It's my first Atlantic Crossing being navigator and we have sailed well in these very light trade winds. We have gained 5 days of cutting corners on our original ETA.

Yesterday we had a flog that resulted in a small rip in the A2, it sometimes happens in such cross seaways. The quick crew work got her down with no more damage, and Marie and I put her back together and ready to go back up by the next watch change. But, the wind had increased, as had the horrid sea state. We were going downwind into a cross wave that was coming at us from the bow. It's like driving fast down the motorway with unexpected speed bumps every few feet, we considered gybing, we were watching dark clouds raining around us and we also talked about the engine to stop the slamming and shock loading. I had a little chat to 'Hughey' (my mate the wind). I asked him very kindly to knock the 40 degrees we needed to be back on course and build another 5 knots to help us power through the waves. Well, either he listened or the black clouds played the game and 15 mins later we were off like happy campers with the oncoming watch asking why all the slamming!
Ami has just cooked another amazing Ami special with baked beans, bacon (optional) and eggs. We had 360 eggs on departure and we were very happy to find another box of 70ish eggs last night when we thought we were almost out!

Everyone is starting to dream of shore goodies. It's April's birthday on the 27th, we are working hard to get in so we can celebrate with an ice cream cake to cool us all down!