Day 6 - Happy Birthday Sarah!
By Sharon Ferris-Choat
- 14:19 UTC
- 18° 50'.931N
- 024° 47'.173 W
- TWS 12.2 kn
- TWD 056°
- TWA 136°
- COG 189°
- SOG 8.5 kn
- Sea temperature 27.1° definitely swimming Temp!
- Sea State - calm
- 113.6nm to the outside of the Mindelo Marina.
- ETA day light 18th. Perfect timing, we are expecting the wind to get lighter this evening so we will slow down a bit.
Happy birthday Sarah!
Same as yesterday, not a cloud in the sky all day! Just haze, that when I first came on deck I was worried it was light rain coming. The sea temperature is slightly warmer than the air which is causing this.
Our Dawn started with the A5 going up for the first time on this trip and we are gliding along towards Mindelo and the ice cream shop, mine has gone from one of these 🍦 to this 🍨!!

As driving time is such a treat Sarah has got mine today and the smile was priceless. Sarah woke to her name in lights this morning at 0400, tough ship this one don't get to sleep in on your birthday but you do get a morning and afternoon nap! It's been amazing to watch Sarah grow over the last month, 1st time away from home really and this is what I would of called jumping in the deep end! Sofia my daughter is only 4 years younger and that's a shock in itself! Kids grow up way too fast!

We had another flying fish dance last night and this time it was Heather! I heard the squealing from my bunk! After that we had a bird hitch a ride for about 8nm to take a rest and then it used the life raft and my head as a run way, in the dark, That was me swearing with a fright. No giggles on that one.
I have started looking at the weather to get to Dakar leaving on Sunday 20th November, we will have 48 hours to rest and re provision. It's looking like different conditions, with more wind and a tight lay to Dakar with a 3 day passage plan.
So now it's birthday party time with cake, card and present!

Cake is provided by Sarah's parents! Sorry the cottage pie was looking too good to last and was enjoying in Horta! We have made a replacement one though!