Day 6 - Working to stay in the wind tunnel!
By Sharon Ferris-Choat
- 42°10'.936N
- 50°30'.164W
- TWD 222°
- TWS 17.3
- Boat speed 9.4 kn
- COG 100°

We have worked hard to stay in our wind tunnel. There's no wind 75nm behind us and no wind 200nm in front of us. We sailed into our front with wave' of fog last night and a conversation with a cargo ship that crossed our bow by 1.2nm; at the same time we had a change of wind direction to our favour. Sea State is calming down, and this morning the sun is out and we are drying out!
Yesterday I ran the strangest clothing selection of my life: swimming shorts under ski pants, with a UV sun protection long sleeve hood top under a wind breaker jacket. Over the top was my wet weather gear paints and jacket. My new golden item is my first ever pair of waterproof socks. I have had a shocker by not owning a pair or two of these beforehand! Thank you Martha at Team One Newport for showing me the best invention since sliced bread! All the girls went shopping and all very happy with our additional items that make life so much more comfortable. This was finished off with a buff as a hair tie and a life jacket! I was so comfortable I was singing! The reason for the strange outfit: it was 27° below deck and 17° upstairs on watch! You needed a quick change down of clothing otherwise you melted!
This is our last day of warm sailing, the wind is changing to the north and the temperature is about to drop 10°, so Maiden looks like a drying rack today as we take advantage of the sun and temperature. We are getting Maiden ready for a fast and rough ride for the next week which will test us all to learn as much as possible about ourselves and Maiden!
So hopefully you all have sun shining on you as well!