Day One - USA to Dakar
By Sharon Ferris-Choat

- 42*22.559N
- 67*57.669W
- Boat speed 6.7kn
- Wind speed 6.9kn
- Heading 131*
We arrived in the fog and we left in thicker fog!
Thank you Camden! Your people are amazing hosts and your town is beautiful. The Team at Lyman Morse have an amazing facility that covers everything you need to make repairs, refuel, haul-outs and replacements. We all enjoyed our stay with a team hike up Mt Battie, as well as getting things ticked off the job list that have been there for awhile, always waiting for “need more time to do it” moment. That time was in Camden! We were given a huge bag of coffee, by Coffee on the Porch. Blonde Roast and it is yummy in every way! The description “Lively, full body, strong finish, light roast." The sums up a Maiden sailor perfectly.
We have dodged all the Lobster pots (there are hundreds) and boats to get out of the beautiful Penobscot Bay in the fog that came and went in waves, I warned everyone that it was going to be cold and it was mild, much to everyone’s relief.
Everyone is settling into their watches and all are getting rocked to sleep from the left over swell that was produce by the storm a day before we left. We all prepared meals that we have been enjoying, and the rest are in the freezer. I am always amazed in how healthy and well we eat on Maiden.
The wind has completely died now and we are motoring in the sun and rocking waves, aiming to get south into a southerly that will send us east and towards the open Atlantic.
It might be time to pull the fishing rod out, just to keep my Dad happy! He cannot believe that we do not fish more on these long passages in open water. “The best fishing you get” he says, so we will give it ago and hopefully we don’t catch plastic like last time.
So from a happy Maiden and her team, we wish you all a great day and we will do the same!