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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Earth Day 2021 - Meet the young women fighting to Restore Our Earth!

Happy Earth Day 2021! The theme for Earth Day 2021 is ‘Restore Our Earth’, so let’s get to know some amazing young women and girls who are fighting to save our planet and inspiring many through their journey. 

“Every single person on this Earth has the power to change the world,” - Shalvi Sakshi

At only 10 years old, Shalvi was the youngest speaker at the UN’s COP23 conference in 2017 and her message was a powerful one; she is highly aware of the risks of climate change as she is from Fiji, which could be completely submerged in decades to come if sea levels continue to rise. She has highlighted the fact that climate change is due to human activity, urging world leaders to curb the release of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

“There are many environmental issues happening in my country, but I barely see them in the media or reported by anyone.” - Leah Namugerwa 

Adding to traditions of cake and candles, 17-year-old Leah Namugerwa is aiming to start a new way to celebrate birthdays: by planting trees! Leah is a key figure in advocating for climate justice in Uganda, leading the Fridays4Future in Kampala and petitioning to ban plastic bags. She is passionate about inspiring young people in Uganda to follow in her footsteps and look after our environment after being inspired herself by Greta Thunberg!

“There exists an environmental solution that can reduce inequality, build resilience to the climate crisis and reduce emissions all at the same time. It’s called educating girls and young women, and it needs to happen now.” - Vanessa Nakate

Climate activist Vanessa Nakate has been named as one of the UN’s ‘Young Leaders’ and at age 24 has already made a hugely positive impact on our world. She spearheaded the campaign to save the Congo’s rainforest, founded the Youth for Future Africa and the likewise Africa-based Rise Up Movement. Last year, Vanessa and 20 other youth climate activists from around the world, published a letter to participants at the World Economic Forum calling on companies, banks and governments to halt their subsidising of fossil fuels.