While Maiden is empowering women to be confident sailors with each and every leg, it also does so much more in supporting women across the globe.... Blog Post by Shealin
I have always wondered why boats are referred to as female. I've heard sailors say, "She's a fast and swift boat, or she's a solid built sloop." I would like to think women were always meant for the sea, and have always had a presence in it. Many have asked, what have you learned about yourself while on Maiden, my answer, embrace your inner woman.

As female sailors, we all have experienced our challenges in the male dominated sport. I have never sailed with an all woman crew, and it is one of the most empowering things I have ever done. A few weeks ago I would've never thought I would be sailing with these incredible female sailors, and really admire their talents. Tracy Edwards begins her film by saying "You have to be crazy to do it," (sailing around the world). Each and everyone of Maiden's Women is brave enough to do it. Every time I take the helm, I ask myself am I really Maiden Crew? Am I as great a sailor as all her crew, and am I as brave as these Maidens? Maiden has taught me confidence in my sailing and to embrace my inner woman.

While Maiden is empowering women to be confident sailors with each and every leg, it also does so much more in supporting women across the globe. Reading a story from I Am Girl, young Akello desires to go to school, but she must fetch the water and care for her siblings, she says simply because she is a girl, and it is her role. I Am Girl, aims to reduce the high number of girls who drop out of school in sub- saharan Africa, and to educate both boys and girls in gender equality. As women we must remember, that there is still much progress to be had, not only in sailing but more importantly in global female education alike. Be strong, be different and embrace your inner woman.