Day 13 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat
19° 38. 792N
28° 04.726W
TWS 18.8 knots
TWD 055°
COG 269°
Boat Speed 11.5, with a 17.1 from Heather down a wave, we have to love those waves! The sea state is slight and building.
Simply beautiful doesn't begin to describe the conditions we have on Maiden, sun - not too cold and not too hot, downwind sailing with the full main and A2, which have been up most of the last 27 hours. Heather is the first for a saltwater shower, hair cleaning mission! Sea temperature 23.2°

Lovely lunch by Amalia, great company and fun sailing as everyone has a job either trimming, helming or daily tasks!
There are 2 low pressure systems in the north Atlantic that are playing games with our trade winds. The flying fish are also playing catch and poor April missed. It got her in the face! She was very relieved to have glasses on, as they were covered in fish scales!
We are now in our stage 3 of this leg, going west as fast as possible. Now, our mission is a Way Point North of Antigua at 61°W 1922nm away in a straight line.