Day 17 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat
21° 29.602N
42° 12 680
COG 299°
Boat Speed 11.3 knots down a wave just now
Wind still shifty and up and down
We have found a new toy! A3 is her name and she's a glamour in our cross over between the A2 and JT that we have been using mostly.

Maiden never stops bringing new experiences, and of course we were putting up this new sail with a sock dropping system, when we sailed past 2 pilot whales about 10 feet away. That quickly distracted everyone!
The moon is getting bigger, and tonight we will probably need moon glasses as it's beautifully lit up to let us see everything. What a contrast to the 1st week!
This morning Marie changed the foot cord so we can adjust it at the tack where we can reach, Heather drove like a superstar last night and had great speeds. Amalia, Lucy, Ami and I had a deck clean and forward part of downstairs.

It's nice to be sailing a fresh clean boat again and on that note it's time for a shower for me. My hair is a birds nest and I smell! I will try and not distract Erica, April, Ami and Lucy are in control now pushing us NW.