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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Day 18 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat

22° 07.467N
46° 07.502w
COG 299°
Boat Speed 10.2 knots
Wind Speed approx 22 knots
Sea state: Moderate cross swell from 2 different directions which is annoying.

A night of rainclouds and no increase in wind. It was... interesting, as we were prepared for more wind! 

This morning, the rain cloud provided a fantastic wash for Maiden, as it was heavy getting off 16 days of salt. Heather and Marie had a shower under the waterfall from the boom and collected a full bucket of fresh water for the girls, Marie is still having a shower a hour later! 

Lucy, our nature spotter, saw a turtle and we have clumps of seaweed everywhere hopefully not on the keel and rudder. 

We have satellite issues over the last 24 hours, but we are trying to fix it now. 1679nm to the Bahamas!   We are making progress with our 3rd day of 200 NM in 24 hours.