The perfect start to a month-long journey.
By Sarah Evans
We couldn't have asked for a more perfect start to our month-long journey. Downwind, flying kites, sun, and blue skies… I think the most stressful part about these first 2 1/2 days was my night to cook dinner! I cooked chicken, quinoa, and halloumi, all for the first time.

This was the second time I have been on Maiden while flying our A2. And both times it has busted. Excitingly, I got to see the pole go up to sail wing-on-wing with the JT, and now we're sailing with our symmetrical Spinnaker, the S2. Helming on Maiden can be difficult to begin with, but factor in a kite, your concentration levels need to increase. With both the A2 and S2 you have to hold a very steady course while keeping the boat flat in the sea state. Easier said than done. Timing your movements and counteracting the push of the wave delicately is your aim. The S2 is harder to keep flying, and once you lose it, regaining control can be difficult. I love the challenge that comes with driving under the power of a spinnacker. As well as learning more about maneuvers on the boat and becoming more confident in different positions.

Everyone is enjoying themselves, and learning so much already. Only thing I would change is if they allowed me to play Christmas music! (They said by December 20th I'll be allowed to…)