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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Day 20 - Maiden Update - Sharon Ferris-Choat

24° 21.344N
53° 33.360W
COG 316
Bearing to waypoint 314°
Boat speed 9.8 knots
Sea state slight with the occasion side wave to keep it spicy
Distance to the Providence Channel 1250nm as of 1201UTC

The A2 is back in town! We did a bear headed peal from the A5 gen to the A2 bigger one. We had to do it bear headed as we wanted to use the same haylard as we think the port one might have something to do with our instruments failing.

We have our apparent wind tool as a direction guide and a wind strength idea, same as the postponement flag in racing. The number of stripes horizontal shows how much wind there is. Our wind tool is made from a fine length of blue Lamar wool that April donated from her sock sewing kit! 

Ami is going to run to the engine soon to top up the batteries as it hasn't been run for 2 weeks now. Marie is busy sewing the zip back onto the A3 that didn't open properly last night while Lucy just made a fine lunch. Never a dull moment!

Last night, Heather was teaching us about the stars and planets. I obviously need to pay more attention as I only remembered Jupiter and Saturn! Erica has the staysail haylard to repair when she has a moment and Amalia has some amazing photos to upload when we can. We have a gybe coming up sometime tomorrow, going to feel very strange on the other tack as we have been on starboard for about a week!  

I'm having lots of fun navigating and studying the different options and data available - we can make up some times if we are smart here. There's 2 patches of no wind coming up to avoid!

Nap time for me! Then it's helping to refuel while the sea state is slight, getting into our Lazarette is never easy and then getting out 20kg tanks on your hands and knees while staying out of the steering gear!