Day 6 - Mindelo Marina! Fuel dock!
- 16° 53. 146'N
- 024° 59. 524'W
We timed our arrival into Mindelo perfectly! Just on day light. We started to slow down 8 hours ago to time this without having to wait outside of the harbour in a 1m rolling sea state.

Everyone is well on board and so looking forward to ice cream at the beach and a swim this afternoon. We all stink! Really looking forward to this shower!

There are 93 boats here all getting ready to do the next leg in the Arc Race starting at noon today... so lots going on along the docks. We are getting Maiden all cleaned and ship shape and then some must deserved rest for Maiden and ourselves!
Arriving into a new port at night is always interesting, we were prepared for the worst and got the best arrival possible, love it when that happens! Customs first! That's my mission at 0800 when they open, hopefully all these boats have cleared out yesterday otherwise I could be in for a long wait.