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The Maiden Factor Blog

Maiden is a Global Ambassador for the Empowerment of Girls through Education

Maiden at Liberty Landing

By Louise Brown

On the 4th June, 2022, Maiden arrived at Liberty Landing visitors' dock at 12:30, in beautiful sunshine and light winds. The staff at the marina took her lines and helped to secure her for the 1pm start of Open afternoon. Jet skis and small craft motored up and down the river alongside the marina, and sailors called out across the water when they realised Maiden was there.

The visitors soon came down the gangway for a boat tour and to make donations for memorabilia and merchandise to The Maiden Factor Foundation. The crew enjoyed chatting to all the Maiden fans. She has such an amazing following and it's such a privilege to meet guests who have followed her career for decades.

View from the bridge at sunset Liberty landing to jersey city

Sunday morning dawned bright and warm. The New York skyline was crystal clear. Once again, the weather was perfect for our visitors.

Beth Daugherty, the commodore of the Liberty Landing marina had organised a brunch for all the yacht club members and she arrived at 9am with enough food to feed an army. Her team laid out tables, and in true American style, we were all treated to a fabulous spread.

Tracy arrived and she and the crew chatted to members and all of the 50 guests had the chance to tour the boat. 

Nitzan Levy organised fundraising, with funds donated going to New City Kids non profit organisation. It is a fantastic organisation; they start with teaching underprivileged children to swim (in their own purpose built pool) and then to sail in the harbour once they have the confidence to go out on the water. Most of the children they teach have never been to the beach or a pool.

We have invited a group from New City Kids to spend the morning onboard Maiden, with the crew at a private event, they will sail over to North Cove on the 18th June to join us there. I am personally really looking forward to meeting Soo, with whom I have had some super zoom calls with over the last few months. It will be great to meet in person, he’s such an inspiration and I find it truly humbling listening to his success stories.

"New City Kids is committed to loving kids for change all year round. In the summer, middle school students learn how to sail and swim, as well as participate in STEM lessons. This donation provides program supplies for all the students to learn and participate in City Sail." - Soo Kim, New City Kids

Once the tours had been completed, Tracy jumped onboard her beautiful boat and treated us all to a talk about what The Maiden Factor's mission is now and how important it is to her. She never fails to capture our hearts, being such a passionate speaker, but to have it delivered from the deck was really special.

Tracy then presented Beth with a signed burgee and we stood on the dock in front of Maiden and had our photo taken with all the yacht club members, by their photographer.

The final high point of the weekend was taking Maiden back to Brooklyn One15 marina with Tracy onboard, and even at the helm for part of the 30 minute trip. I understand it's the first time she has helmed her boat in 30 years. We all sat quietly together and drank in the moment, each of us aware how precious it was.